
Wednesday, March 9, 2016

An Oscar on the Screen and a Realpolitik Behind the Curtain: A Critique on the Recent Oscar Awards

An Oscar again to the 2012, Academy Oscar award winner, Pakistani activist and Journalist: Sharmeen Obaid - Chinoy is indeed a moment of great pride for a nation like Pakistan, which has been massively portrayed as "the most worst and insecure place worldwide for women", but, a moment of meticulous analysis reveals the realpolitik behind awarding an Oscar again to the documentary based on the plight of Pakistani ill-fated women, is the blatant projection of Islam as a misogynist religion and re-enforcing the myth that "Islam is a religion of terror" at the global level.
Formerly, it was the issue of "Acid Attacks" on the Pakistani women covered in the 2012 Oscar award winning short documentary "Saving Face" and this time it is another form of gender based violence: "Honour killing", pinpointing and reiterating the fact that "Islam supports violence and barbarity over women", so that the western lobbying of Islamophobia be furthered. The whole western team propped up by the Oscar award winning lady and the preference of releasing the documentary first infront of the US audience depicts the involvement of Foreign element in creating a mania of violence and terror vis-a-vis Islam, so that, the plethora of militia be shifted towards the "Capitalistic" ideologies, a gist of the 4th generation warfare.
As in the current age of warfare, colonialism has been replaced by neo imperialism, the weakening of ideological basis by employing such tactics of stereotyping and a garb of Morality, Feminism and Human right Activism is a plea to replicate "Capitalism" as the most suitable idealogue available on the planet, not to talk of the atrocities afflicted upon the Black women at the hands of the White males and who started violence, terrorism and laid down the corner stone of "Honour killing"-The so called Peace makers of the world and the advocates of women rights are not more than a chimera to dodge the innocent minds.
This Oscar is well earned by the Capitalists militia, having to do more with bagging and bragging their global manifestos and lesser with assuring that such incidents should not recur in future, paving the way for another Oscar, and another major gender based issue but merely for the sake of satiating their ravenous prestige among the few elite hither to doing anything substantial by raising consciousness at the grass root level. Otherwise, this little girl in the river will be just another in the queue waiting for another to repeat this Oscar Drama again.
Violence on woman is a hot issue in debates, better late than never, but, no one ethnic community should be taken to task and portrayed as Brutal and a Misogynist. Such kind of lobbying comes under the fold of imperialism which has replaced colonialism. But, the dilemma is, this time around it's own nationals are being used for weakening it's foundations by tempting them with Oscars and defaming the nations repute in the global community by stereotyping them as Extremists, Ethnocentrists and Violent beings which is deplorable.

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